Elizabeth Gadsby, Ph.D. is a passionate University of Florida alumna. She met her husband, James Gadsby, at UF in a romantic encounter retold in the UF Alumni magazine. Almost 30 years later, Elizabeth and James recently moved back to Gainesville, FL and are dedicated to using their experiences to give back to the university that they love.

Elizabeth grew up in a family of college professors, including her parents and grandmother, Dr. Helen Naugle, one of the first female professors at Georgia Tech to whom the Communication Center is named in honor.

After graduating from UF with a Bachelor’s of Science in microbiology, minor in chemistry, and focus in business, Elizabeth joined Kimberly-Clark Corporation and progressed through leadership gaining a reputation for “intrapreneurial ventures.” While working full-time she earned her Ph.D. in Biochemistry at Georgia Tech studying under Prof. Larry Bottomley and published her dissertation titled “Atomic Force Microscopy of DNA-Drug Interactions” and participated in the inaugural class of the NSF TI:GER (Technology Innovation: Generating Economic Results) program.

Currently Elizabeth is a part of a biotech start-up out of MIT, Bloomer Tech, which is creating a novel medical-grade wearable with artificial intelligence to discover biomarkers for women’s heart health. Bloomer Tech was featured on the TED Monterey 2021 main stage.

Elizabeth is joining the CCS Advisory Board because she believes that Dr. Christine Angelini and her team are gathering the essential cross-disciplinary knowledge driven by scientific curiosity to solve a meaningful issue for her home state, Florida, and cultures across the globe.