Welcome Dr. Beatriz Marin-Diaz!

Dr. Beatriz Marin-Diaz joined the Center for Coastal Solutions (CCS) and Engineering School for Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment (ESSIE) as a Postdoctoral Associate in March 2022. Beatriz will be working alongside Dr. Christine Angelini and Dr. Andrew Altieri on a CCS project focused on Tyndall Airforce Base near Panama City, Florida.

Specifically, Beatriz will lead monitoring and experimental field research aimed at restoring coastal systems surrounding Tyndall AFB, including seagrass meadows, marshes and oyster reefs, as part of the Enhancing Tyndall Air Force Base Coastal Resilience through Nature-Based Solutions project, funded by the Department of Defense REPI Challenge Program and in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy, Jacobs Engineering and the US Naval Research Laboratory. This work will support the planning, permitting and design of future shoreline enhancement and stabilization projects at Tyndall Air Force Base.

Beatriz Marin-Diaz did her PhD on ecosystem-based coastal protection in the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) and the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Previously, she graduated from a Masters in Ecology and Ecosystem Management and Restoration in the University of Barcelona, Spain.

Beatriz says “I’m originally from Barcelona, Spain. I love outdoor activities and sports in any place, from the mountain to the sea, but specially being in the water. I’m passionate about coastal ecosystem conservation and restoration and I’m very excited to join the CCS and work with so many talented scientists to protect and restore threatened coastal systems.”