Shannon Myers was first drawn to the ocean as a child, a fascination that has continued throughout his formal education and immersion in marine ecology work.

“I feel called to explore and deepen our understanding of the ocean, especially the dynamics and drivers of global environmental change, toward a more sustainable future,” said Myers.
As our new research coordinator, Myers brings this passion and commitment to the CCS, where he will support diving and boating operations, instrumentation deployment, retrieval and maintenance for projects in Florida and elsewhere. Previously, Myers worked in Central California’s kelp forests on long-term monitoring efforts with California’s Marine Protected Areas network. He also did a stint as a research diver for a monitoring project at San Nicolas Island with the United States Geological Survey, and most recently with the Kroeker Lab from the University of California, Santa Cruz, as part of a study on individual and community responses to how carbon is cycled in the ocean in Alaska and California.
“I was drawn to CCS for two simple reasons: a thriving research program and amazing people,” said Myers. “I’m thrilled to join the CCS team and explore new systems along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts!”
By Megan Sam