Septic to Sewer Conversion Optimization Tool

Over 2.7 million septic tanks lay buried in Florida, many of which pollute our waterways. Cleaning them up will cost billions and there’s never been a systematic way to analyze and prioritize conversion projects on a large-scale and get the biggest bang for the buck.

CCS researchers developed a data analytics tool to identify and target cost-efficient septic to sewer infrastructure investments and implementation decisions – in hours instead of months.

The tool uses leading-edge algorithms to identify and cluster into discrete projects all potential septic to sewer network connections for a given city, county or region.

Next, it aggregates and analyzes feasibility and priority of projects based on cost effectiveness, access to sewer infrastructure, funding sources for implementation and expected water quality improvements. 

Finally, the tool pinpoints clusters of projects that achieve high returns on investment, are eligible for funding and most likely to improve water quality. 

This tool was developed through the Northwest Florida Water Quality Assessment and Infrastructure Improvement Project funded by the state of Florida. It is also being used by the city of Winter Park to guide septic connection planning and the Jacksonville Environmental Protection Board (JEPB)’s Septic System Vulnerability Assessment and Septic to Sewer Project Optimization Project, funded by the city of Jacksonville. 

Contact Tricia Kyzar, Ph.D., researcher and project manager, at