Month: November 2022

Student Spotlight: Daniele Pinton

Daniele Pinton, PhD student, Civil and Coastal Engineering Department  Daniele Pinton is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering at the University of Florida (ESSIE). He is currently studying how sea level rise affects the release… Read More

Connecting Clams to Seagrass Resilience

Among the most productive ecosystems on earth, seagrass communities use carbon, provide habitat and food, cycle nutrients, and anchor the sediment bottom, providing an extensive range of services. Regions with historically extensive seagrass cover have been experiencing ongoing die-offs in… Read More

CCS Contributes to UF’s $1 Billion Research Investment

CCS’ contributions to the $1 billion invested in research to date by UF was highlighted in an article by the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering. Projects led by Professors Christine Angelini and David Kaplan showcase how the CCS supports UF’s advancement… Read More