Support CCS

Join us! Become part of the solution. 

The Center for Coastal Solutions is successful because of the breadth of partnerships from the private and public sectors.  Strategic alliances to develop IP and collaborate are key to our success.  

We are proudly expanding to include partnerships with subject matter experts and organizations from the following areas:

For more information, please contact Sarah Johnson, Interim Executive Director of Advancement, at

Private Sector/Corporate Partners

The private sector is integral in supporting cutting edge technology.

  • Providing mentorship/internship programs to UF students
  • IP Co-Development  bringing new technology and products to market
  • Financial support through philanthropy and grants
  • Hardware support (drones, etc.) to achieve real time, broad findings

Philanthropic Support 

The CCS requires financial support to cover:

  • Student training fellowships
  • Equipment and resources
  • Seed funding for high risk research
  • Critical infrastructure
  • Education and public outreach 
  • Annual Summit

Please consider donating to the Center for Coastal Solutions Excellence Fund.

Academic Experts

UF Provost Glover encourages faculty across disciplines to join CCS efforts.

  • Serve as affiliate faculty member or advisor
  • Work with CCS leadership to develop proposals and research studies
  • Support student training and career development
  • Present findings at annual summit

Non-Governmental OrganizationS

Nationally renowned environmental experts sharing knowledge.

  • Receive forecasts and modeling from CCS
  • Openly share concerns and data findings
  • Collaborate in research and education
  • Co-develop actionable solutions


Close working relationships with local, state and federal government leaders.

  • Grants for environmental, health and economic studies
  • Policy change, lobbying bills to support CCS mission
  • Coordinated communication to coastal residents and businesses
  • Collaborative approach to disseminating information and forecasts