
Coastal Edges Director’s Note June 2023

‘Tis the Field Season!  Field season is here! For many scientists here at the Center for Coastal Solutions (CCS), summer is prime time to do field research outdoors across Florida, North America and internationally. Some of my best memories as a… Read More

Codefest to Build Next Gen Ocean Models

The CCS technical team took part in the four-day University of Florida Open Hackathon, hosted in collaboration with OpenACC Organization, in May to write code for a new coastal and ocean model that can run simulations of coastal and oceanic… Read More

Can Dead Corals Bring New Life?

Even in death, corals may play an important role in preserving life in the ocean. With support from a 2023 National Science Foundation (NSF) Early Career Award, UF Assistant Professor Andrew Altieri, Ph.D., will launch a new project to investigate the role of dead corals in the resilience… Read More

Empowering Coastal Communities with Decision Aids

University of Florida engineering alumni gathered at a Gator Nation event in Jupiter to hear how the CCS is working to unlock Florida’s potential to quickly implement data-driven and cost-effective actions to improve water quality statewide through its decision support… Read More

Sydney Williams: Bridging the Science-Policy Gap in Aquaculture

Congratulations to Sydney Williams, winner of an aquaculture fellowship from the Florida Sea Grant. With this support, Williams, a fourth year Ph.D. candidate in environmental engineering sciences, will help advance regulation and policy reform for seagrass and clam restoration aquaculture.… Read More